Scary Logos Wiki


(1997?-2011): On a space background, the camera zooms in quickly in front of a rocky planet. This passes as it zooms into another planet. A small moon drops south out of frame, as the rocky planet suddenly stops spinning and rotates the reverse direction. Next, the company name, "VIDEOVAN", letter by letter, places themselves on the screen in front of the rock planet. A planet resembling Jupiter or the Moon (because of the craters) flies up in the background, and immediately when it gets out of frame two red triangles top off both V(s) in the name. The rock planet stops, and the completed logo is a still image that sticks for a few seconds more without fading.


  • Some releases had the logo end in a frame-change.
  • In late-2000 or so, the version with byline has been debuted. After the forming of the logo, the planets zoom out quickly in favor of the byline "Entertainment Industries Pte Ltd". The logo then shines.


A loud warbling UFO-esque synth, followed by a strange synth.

Scare Factor[]

Medium to high, thanks to the sound effects, the ugly animation, the dark atmosphere, and the abrupt frame-change at the end. The sudden appearance of this after the black Singaporean warning is another factor, however, the logo is overall more cheesy than scary, and one may laugh at the abysmal CGI.



Videovan Entertainment (2000)
