Scary Logos Wiki


Against a black background, a purple cube drops in the middle of the screen (causing a hexagon shape to flash briefly) and begins rolling around, forming a blocky purple "G" out of squares. When the cube finishes rolling, it spins around rapidly and lands in the center of the "G", causing it to shake a bit as the hexagon shape flashes again, and the cube's trail of squares solidifies into a solid line with a large cube in the center, and the words "GAMECUBE", in white, drop out from under it. The word "NINTENDO", in small gray letters, unfolds above it.


It starts with a laser-esque sound when the purple cube drops down, followed by a series of xylophone notes and plucked string notes as the cube trail is formed, and a short drumroll/string chord when the cube lands in the center.

Music/Sound Variants[]

  • If the console's cover is open, several synthesized "humming" sounds are heard as the menu forms.
  • Depending on how much you spin the cube around with A, some of the "humming" sounds that segue into the menu screen can be heard, which dim the regular logo's audio.
  • If you turn on the system with the "Z" button on the controller held down, different tunes play, which vary depending on how many people are holding the button down (if multiple controllers are plugged in). Here are the variants:
    • 1 controller: A series of squeaking vibraphone sounds ending with a "boing," comedic drum sound effects, and a child laughing.
    • 4 controllers: A Japanese man yelling followed by the beating of Japanese drums, which ends in a "ding".

Scare Factor[]

None for the regular variant, and low for the other variants. This is a favorite of many.



Nintendo GameCube Logo (All 3 Versions)
